Montreal, Quebec, Canada
45n31, 73w34
Rodden Rating: XX
Notes: I was debating whether to post the reading for this just because of the sensitive nature that's absolutely revolting to witness. I would caution viewers from trying to look at this stuff as it is poisonous to the mind. This grim reminder means I'll definetly want to make my secondary website restricted to ages 18 and over because I do not want to taint or corrupt the innocence of children from discovering the evils of this world. People who find themselves drawn into this rabbit hole should be weary of this type of combination. I was expecting something pluto related in the sequence just because of how its characterized as degenerate & immoral. Perhaps if we had an actual confirmed time of when this site launched then we could see if the Asc or Midheaven is hard aspecting pluto. We can see mars & neptune makes it "Highly Controversial". It's also interesting to note Dennis Lynn Raider has his sun under 18 pisces where Pornhub's Uranus is. For the reading I took the sun semisquare venus (which represents pleasure & happiness).

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