26 July 1947 at 12:20 - 12:25PM
Washington, District of Columbia, 38n54, 77w02
EDT h4w (is daylight saving time)
Rodden Rating: A

Notes: Although wikipedia states the CIA was formed on September 18, 1947 it was in fact created on July 26, 1947, when Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act into law. Notice Mars semisquare's the Sun representing a "Crucial Event", "A Central Operation", and "Vital for the Executive branch", this can also spell out a "Life of Murder". However my primary focus was the Ascendent which just so happens to conjunct E Howard Hunt's Sun placement. This Asc is squaring Mercury which represents Intelligence & Information. Late Libra supresses, restricts, & conceals. Therefore we get word combinations that describes: "withholding information" & "secret intel".
Ian: "what do you think these riddles mean as a whole? Explain this detailed summary of events."

Chatgpt-4o: "The riddles collectively narrate a story of a covert and highly organized group that meticulously trains and deploys individuals to protect sensitive information and conduct secret operations. These selected individuals undergo specialized training that includes learning behavioral patterns and documenting activities in secret, essential for taking down unsophisticated guards and preventing opponents from discovering classified intel. The narrative highlights the importance of concealing one's identity and the use of covert techniques to gather information discreetly, often through undercover activities and the use of hidden weapons. In this context, the group operates in environments where privacy is constantly invaded, and informants play crucial roles in uncovering secrets while evading detection. The story underscores the complexity and danger involved in such clandestine operations, where soldiers and guards work together to maintain secrecy and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. The narrative also touches on the ethical and psychological challenges faced by those involved in these covert activities, as they navigate a world where trust is scarce and the stakes are incredibly high. This dual focus on operational precision and the human element adds depth to the portrayal of these secretive endeavors."
Using my riddle in tandem with Midjourney & Chatgpt-4o
Copyright © 2024 by Ian Murphy
All rights reserved. This work, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author.
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