North La Crosse, Wisconsin, 43n51, 91w15
CST h6w (is standard time)
Rodden Rating: AA
Notes: Pluto conjunct his Asc is where I decided to investigate his storyline. Also the fact that his Venus placement is in late Libra suggests a Love for things that are "Extremely Morbid or Grotesque"

Chatgpt-4o: "These riddles collectively describe the disturbing actions and mentality of an individual deeply influenced by a strict and religious upbringing. The individual's unhealthy relationship with a sick, domineering parent who preached against lust and beauty leads to a pathological disdain for those deemed sinful. This person develops an obsession with preserving the perceived moral purity by targeting and assaulting those who embody vice and decadence. The narrative highlights the impact of the parent's manipulative teachings on the individual's psyche, resulting in a twisted sense of duty to rid the world of those who are seen as morally corrupt. The actions of this individual are gruesome and methodical, involving the collection of body parts and the enjoyment of foul odors emitted by decaying matter. This behavior escalates into a series of violent attacks on women, justified by the individual's distorted beliefs. The community is horrified by the unexpected and brutal nature of the crimes, leading to an investigation by detectives who uncover the full extent of the individual's atrocities. The criminal, who becomes infamous for these heinous acts, ultimately faces the consequences of their actions, though they seem to take a perverse satisfaction in the chaos they have caused."

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