6 March 1779
Senigallia, Italy, 43n43, 13e13
Rodden Rating: XX

Notes: So as I was conducting my reading for Giovanni's sun placement at 15.7 pisces I felt like okay this is really close to the environment of what I would have expected but the story was a tad bit off. I thought maybe I needed to change the year from gregorian to julian but that wasn't it. So instead I looked at all the possible variable combinations for his sun placement from 12am to 11:59pm. I figured I wanted to pick the one that had mars & saturn connected in the subrulership because it would spell out a "cloaked executioner or red clothing" but you can also get this combination if you look at his actual saturn & mars placements zodiacally on the wheel they're conjunct with an orb of 3. I also suspected his Ascendent or Midheaven was either aspecting those two planets or jupiter because he was somewhat famous. Adjusting the time so the Sun contained both Mars & Saturn in the subrulership meant the Ascendent was fairly close to his Jupiter so I left it like so. Then I also took note of what planets were hard aspecting his sun which was venus, uranus, pluto, true node & the vertex. Since I didn't want to task myself with that many variables to work with I simply took the tightest orb which was Uranus squaring Sun at an orb of 0 & then proceeded with my reading.
Ian: "what do you think these riddles mean as a whole? Explain this detailed summary of events."

Chatgpt-4o: "These riddles depict the grim responsibilities of an executioner who deals with condemned prisoners. This individual encounters the sounds and pleas of those who have lost their freedom and is given the names of criminals accused of severe crimes. The executioner attempts to understand the complex emotions and cowardice of those facing their fate, often dealing with unsavory characters pleading for forgiveness. The narrative continues by describing how the executioner publicly condemns and punishes these criminals, using a polished instrument of death. The vivid imagery of lifting the severed heads of the deceased and the resulting odors highlights the brutal nature of the executioner's work. The story paints a picture of a distrusted and opinionated public that relishes the spectacle of justice being served, even as the executioner's actions leave a lasting impact on the community during the harsh summer months. This tale emphasizes themes of justice, public spectacle, and the heavy burden carried by the one who enforces the ultimate punishment."
Using my riddle in tandem with Midjourney & Chatgpt-4o
Copyright © 2024 by Ian Murphy
All rights reserved. This work, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author.
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