5 July 2011
Melbourne, Australia
37e49, 144e58
Rodden Rating: XX
Notes: Anytime I want to linger on something nostalgic - on my drive home - i'll play this song. The reason why it became famous was because it is conjunct USA Sun. Saturn squaring this area describes why its so melacholic & sad. Another thing is Gotye now hates his song & felt it ruined his career as nobody seemed to appreciate his other works besides his most popular one which was full of negativity. The video on this page isn't the original version but its one I like the best because of the 80s vibe.
Melbourne, Australia
37e49, 144e58
Rodden Rating: XX
Notes: Anytime I want to linger on something nostalgic - on my drive home - i'll play this song. The reason why it became famous was because it is conjunct USA Sun. Saturn squaring this area describes why its so melacholic & sad. Another thing is Gotye now hates his song & felt it ruined his career as nobody seemed to appreciate his other works besides his most popular one which was full of negativity. The video on this page isn't the original version but its one I like the best because of the 80s vibe.

Ian: "what do you think these riddles mean as a whole? Explain this detailed summary of events."
Chatgpt o1: "These riddles depict a heartfelt reckoning with lingering emotions, where someone channels their personal pain into an unexpectedly universal experience. The narrator confronts disappointment and responsibility, ultimately choosing to transform sorrow into a powerful piece of work that resonates with countless listeners. By candidly sharing heartache and introspection, they invite others to reflect on relationship fallout, nostalgia, and the vulnerability of opening up to others. There’s a sense that this self-examination, painful as it may be, can be cathartic and serve a creative purpose, unifying people worldwide who relate to the raw honesty behind the story. At the same time, the riddles suggest the burdens of public attention and the complex feelings that come when private turmoil becomes a sweeping sensation. While the artwork or expression succeeds in communicating profound truths, it may also leave the creator struggling with the impact of sudden fame or scrutiny. Despite this tension, the disclosure of deep emotional conflict stands as a refreshing disruption to superficial norms. In essence, the riddles highlight how one individual’s deeply personal anguish can evolve into a universal anthem, simultaneously liberating and weighing heavily upon the person who gave those confessions a voice."
Chatgpt o1: "These riddles depict a heartfelt reckoning with lingering emotions, where someone channels their personal pain into an unexpectedly universal experience. The narrator confronts disappointment and responsibility, ultimately choosing to transform sorrow into a powerful piece of work that resonates with countless listeners. By candidly sharing heartache and introspection, they invite others to reflect on relationship fallout, nostalgia, and the vulnerability of opening up to others. There’s a sense that this self-examination, painful as it may be, can be cathartic and serve a creative purpose, unifying people worldwide who relate to the raw honesty behind the story. At the same time, the riddles suggest the burdens of public attention and the complex feelings that come when private turmoil becomes a sweeping sensation. While the artwork or expression succeeds in communicating profound truths, it may also leave the creator struggling with the impact of sudden fame or scrutiny. Despite this tension, the disclosure of deep emotional conflict stands as a refreshing disruption to superficial norms. In essence, the riddles highlight how one individual’s deeply personal anguish can evolve into a universal anthem, simultaneously liberating and weighing heavily upon the person who gave those confessions a voice."
Copyright © 2024 by Ian Murphy
All rights reserved. This work, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author.
All rights reserved. This work, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author.