"Francis Crick in 1957 realized that the chemical sub units of dna called nucleatide basis were functioning like alphabetical characters in a writen text or like the 0's & 1's in a section of computer code. That is to say that it wasn't there chemical properties that gave them their function but rather their specific arrangement in accord with an independent symbol convention which was later explicated in the form of what we call the "genetic code". So we had genetic text functioning according to a code. What we know from experience is that information whether we find it in a hieroglyphic inscription or a paragraph in a book or information inbedded in a radio signal or in a section of computer code... whenever we find information & we trace it back to its ultimate source we always come to a mind not a material process. These undirected evolutionary mechanisms that have been proposed as an explanation for the origin of information fail for various reasons. We talked about how the darwinian mechanism fails because it can't search the space so vast that odds are overwhelmingly against it. From a materialistic evolutionary stand point, we don't have any explanation for the origin of the information thats necessary to build new biological form & yet we do know from our uniform & repeated experience (which is the basis for all scientific reasoning) of a source of informaiton of a cause of the origin of information & that cause is intelligence or mind. What we are seeing in life is evidence of the activity of a directing mind in the history of life."